
The Amalgamated Family of Companies has over 75 years of history committed to diversity and inclusion. Our multi-cultural, multi-generational workforce exemplifies a workplace that embraces differences for the added value and broader contributions that can be generated. This is only one aspect of our corporate governance which respects and adheres to rules and regulations. Through our corporate counsel and compliance officer, we are both mindful and respectful of the due diligence expected of us. Our executive leadership and Board are focused on building inclusive ESG governance policies and protocols across all key areas and championing environmental, social, diversity and inclusion principles. We are committed to developing a sustainable, ESG corporate culture that reflects our commitment to building a better future.<\/p>\n

To ensure adherence and compliance to our broad corporate code of ethics, which places a high value on conducting business with honesty, integrity and the highest level of ethical conduct, we survey our employees regularly.<\/p>\n

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion<\/h2>\n