{"id":1873,"date":"2020-10-21T20:40:54","date_gmt":"2020-10-21T20:40:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/?p=1873"},"modified":"2024-06-30T13:24:57","modified_gmt":"2024-06-30T17:24:57","slug":"amalgamated-medical-care-management-launches-nurse2doconnect","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/amalgamated-medical-care-management-launches-nurse2doconnect\/","title":{"rendered":"Launch: Nurse2DOConnect by Amalgamated Medical Care Management"},"content":{"rendered":"

Salem, NH\u2026<\/strong><\/p>\n

Amalgamated Medical Care Management, formerly known as AliCare Medical Management (www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-medical-care-management<\/a>), a leading national resource for comprehensive, high quality care management services, has launched Nurse2DOConnect, <\/em>a next generation platform that facilitates a high level of care and convenience, while reducing unnecessary Emergency Department (ED), Urgent Care and physician visits.  It is the first integrated nurse line and telemedicine program of its kind. With Nurse2DOConnect<\/em>, individuals with a medical problem or question can call into a dedicated toll-free line staffed by experienced Registered Nurses based in the United States. With an average of 20 years clinical experience across multiple disciplines, these dedicated nurses will conduct a virtual intake recording all contact information and symptoms\/reasons for the call, update the patient\u2019s Electronic Health Record, and triage the call. They will either assist the individual directly or transition the call through the Nurse2DOConnect <\/em>onlineplatform to the next level of medical support, either to a physician for a telemedicine call, health advocate or behavioral health professional. Not only does Nurse2DOConnect <\/em>significantly reduce plan sponsors\u2019 costs, but it also facilitates the most efficient electronic exchange of information from one healthcare professional to the next so that the individual calling in does not have to repeat the same information over and over again.<\/p>\n

According to Amalgamated Medical Care Management President Deborah Allwes Largoza, RN, MBA, MPH, \u201cNurse2DOConnect<\/em> is an indispensable resource to our clients\u2019 members.  Just like at a traditional doctor’s office visit, our knowledgeable Registered Nurses can address the majority of calls.  There are, however, cases when other clinical resources are needed; that\u2019s where Nurse2DOConnect<\/em> comes in.  It essentially gives an individual 24\/7 virtual access across the U.S. and Puerto Rico to all levels of healthcare.  With reduced member co-pays and coinsurance, the Nurse2DOConnect<\/em> program will produce a significant savings versus ED and Urgent Care visits. It is especially well-suited for self-insured plans, which many of our clients are, and can help reduce employee absenteeism.\u201d<\/p>\n

\u201cVirtual Nursing and Telemedicine go hand in hand; Nurse2DOConnect<\/em> is a smart solution whose time has come,\u201d says Wayne Orchard, EVP of MyTelemedicine.  MTM is the partner selected to provide the next level of care for cases as needed, with their nationwide, 24\/7, board-certified Physicians. \u201cMyTelemedicine is proud to be part of this initiative and is ready to support Nurse2DOConnect\u2019s<\/em> clients and members.\u201d<\/p>\n

Providing individuals with telemedicine options is the most immediate, cost effective and convenient way to address a medical concern.  It can eliminate co-pays for employees, while also minimizing employers\u2019 medical claim costs.  In today\u2019s pandemic era when remote communication is being encouraged as much as possible, Nurse2DOConnect<\/em> further meets this critical need.  It is estimated that 75% of all doctors, ED and Urgent Care visits are either unnecessary or pose a risk for the patient.  A considerable number of these visits can actually be handled safely and effectively via phone or video calls; which also can significantly reduce absenteeism. (Source: healthx.com)<\/p>\n

Nurse2DOConnect<\/em> takes telemedicine to the next level with 24\/7\/365 convenience and lower costs. Considering the average four-hour wait times in EDs, 75% of most physician practices close by 6 PM M-F and are closed on weekends, and that it takes an average of 21 days to schedule a doctor\u2019s appointment; the convenience, safety and timeliness Nurse2DOConnect<\/em> brings to healthcare is long overdue.<\/p>\n

The Nurse2DOConnect <\/em>platform features a user-friendly dashboard that can be accessed from any device \u2013 a PC, laptop, tablet or smart phone.  Amalgamated Medical Care Management can offer Nurse2DOConnect <\/em>on a monthly per member or fee for service basis.  Pricing is customized based on the demographics of each group, plan or Fund.<\/p>\n

For more information on Nurse2DOConnect, <\/em>contact: Michael Schaefer, Managing Director, Strategic Partnerships, 914-539-6347 or mschaefer@amalgamatedbenefits.com<\/a><\/p>\n

About Amalgamated Medical Care Management<\/h2>\n

Amalgamated Medical Care Management, a member of the Amalgamated Family of Companies, is a premier national leading resource for a comprehensive suite of high quality care management services including Utilization Management, Case Management, Physician Review, and Nurse Helpline\/Health Information. The company also offers other vital services ranging from Disease Management, Disability Management, Readmission Management, and Maternity Management, Medical Claims Review and Network Referrals. The company serves a wide range of clients, including hospitals, physicians, healthcare plan sponsors (e.g., unions, trust funds, businesses, employer assistance plans (EAPs), ERISA funds), colleges, managed care companies, health plans, other care management firms, and government agencies.  Amalgamated Medical Care Management is accredited to URAC standards across core service areas, including: Utilization Management, Case Management, Physician Review and Nurse Helpline\/Health Information. Additionally, Amalgamated Medical Care Management has achieved Telemedicine accreditation from the Clear Health Quality Institute and is a full member of the National Association of Independent Review Organizations (NAIRO). For more information, visit: www.amalgamatedbenefits.com<\/a>.<\/p>\n

More about Telemedicine<\/h2>\n

The use of telemedicine is rapidly rising. Twenty one percent (21%) of healthcare executives consider telemedicine as a top strategic priority.  Thirty percent (30%) say that telemedicine is a high priority, and 36% say that is a medium priority. (Source: intouchhealth.com). Sixty five percent (65%) of patients are willing to use telemedicine for a virtual visit with their primary care providers, while approximately 50 million Americans are willing to switch primary care providers just to access virtual visit options. (Source: americawell.com)<\/p>\n

Download Press Release<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Salem, NH\u2026 Amalgamated Medical Care Management, formerly known as AliCare Medical Management (www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-medical-care-management), a leading national resource for comprehensive, high quality care management services, has launched Nurse2DOConnect, a next generation platform that facilitates a high level of care and convenience, while reducing unnecessary Emergency Department (ED), Urgent Care and physician visits.  It is the first… Read more »<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"om_disable_all_campaigns":false,"_monsterinsights_skip_tracking":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_active":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_note":"","_monsterinsights_sitenote_category":0,"footnotes":""},"categories":[4],"tags":[],"acf":[],"aioseo_notices":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1873"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1873"}],"version-history":[{"count":6,"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1873\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":4076,"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1873\/revisions\/4076"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1873"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=1873"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=1873"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}