{"id":2717,"date":"2022-06-27T05:00:00","date_gmt":"2022-06-27T05:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/?p=2717"},"modified":"2024-07-01T07:25:06","modified_gmt":"2024-07-01T11:25:06","slug":"national-insurance-awareness-day","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.amalgamatedbenefits.com\/amalgamated-life\/national-insurance-awareness-day\/","title":{"rendered":"National Insurance Awareness Day"},"content":{"rendered":"

Every year, June 28th<\/sup> is National Insurance Awareness Day, when members of the industry hope consumers will take time to assess their current insurance needs and make preparations to achieve greater financial protection. Data from multiple sources indicates that far too many Americans do not have adequate health or life insurance.<\/p>\n

Many Americans Lack Sufficient Coverage<\/h2>\n

A recent survey from Consumer Affairs found that 23% of U.S. adults do not have any life insurance coverage. The LIMRA 2020 Insurance Barometer Study<\/em> reported that just 54% of all people in the U.S. were covered by some form of life insurance. U.S. Census Bureau data found that 27.5 million Americans had no health insurance in 2018, while the Congressional Budget Office reported that the number of uninsured American citizens in 2020 was approximately 31 million.<\/p>\n

Regardless of which organization\u2019s data is considered, it is clear that many consumers do not have adequate insurance coverage. That is why it is especially important that insurance professionals make it their mission to raise the awareness of consumers regarding the need for the right health and life insurance. National Insurance Awareness Day is the perfect opportunity to launch an insurance awareness campaign. Both your website and social media channels are great venues for sharing insurance information.<\/p>\n

Important Messages to Convey<\/h3>\n

As part of a National Insurance Awareness Day campaign, some of the key messages to convey include:<\/p>\n